Boys and girls, I received while ago ( 13/04/2009) , this wonderful shirt of the final show in Miami of the monstrous Somewhere Back In Time World Tour 2008/2009.
This shirt was a limited pressing since they only made 700!!! The merchandise stands opened at 7:00 of the afternoon, at 7:15, they were officially sold out, every single one!! Once more I can't understand this decisions because 700 is a small number compared with the persons that attended to the show, maybe more than 15.000!!! I would like to ask if the management of this band think its cool the fans running like crazy from stand to stand trying to get a shirt? I think its not, so please, Mr. Rod Smallwood, stop doing this please,and start making more shirts, also, this management has to think that a great deal of persons buy the shirts to sell them on Ebay at ludicrous prices, so , once more, a good excuse to press more shirts, the fans deserve much more respect!!!
Another thing that annoyed me a lot is that this shirt has a very basic spelling error, if you look carefully you will see that the answer doesn't fit on the question. Instead of the answer " if so I was there", should have been, "if so I'll be there", because the question is about something that didn't happen yet.
I would also take the chance to ask if this kind of things can start to be think more seriously? Its the name of the band who is on the line, and this mistakes are very awful, as well as very basic.
Ok, saying this doesn't make this shirt anything bad, the shirt is absolutely phenomenal!! Again made by the French artist Hervé Monjeaud, is based, I believe, in the 80's serie, "Miami Vice", where Don Johnson had an alligator on his boat, ehehehh...
I mean, this shirt is so so cool mates, you have to have one in your hands to understand what I'm talking here. On the back we have Eddie resting a bit and having some pints of wine. On the front artwork if you look carefully, we can see one albatross passing by over Eddies head, eheheh...
This shirt has two copyright marks, one on the front, on your right side at the bottom, and other on the back, again in your right side, at the bottom of the artwork.
To avoid you guys being cheated remember to check the tag, the manufacturer of this shirt was: Anvil.
The shirt cost me only 40 Dollars, ehehehe...who is always a lucky bastard hei?Ohhh, the giant rat is furious at this moment, all about jealous and hate that idiot!
Special and many thanks to my dear New Yorker friend, Justin Perrone, who bought me this shirt at the venue, you FUCKING ROCK BRO!!!!
Special and many thanks to my dear New Yorker friend, Justin Perrone, who bought me this shirt at the venue, you FUCKING ROCK BRO!!!!