This is a special issue dedicated to our beloved band, published by Argentinean magazine, Metal. This mag is a publication of Editorial Magendra S.A. , same guys who published also in 1992 a pocket book, see this link, http://my-iron-maiden-collection.blogspot.com/2008/07/books-la-historia-completa-de-una.html
Well, I have to say that I expected a bit more, I mean, the mag is great, don't get me wrong, I love this stuff, but some photos have a shit printing quality, due to the fact that the paper is like a newspaper, but even so there are some cool photos to see. The mag has 40 pages colour and black and white.
This mag is all about the Maiden gig in Argentina in 25 July 1992 in the famous soccer stadium, Ferrocarril Oeste. But in fact the coverage starts in the day before, 24. All the mag is about those four days that Maiden spent in Argentina ( 24 to 27), what they did, what they eat, the football game they played, their show song by song, opinions from the fans, interviews with all band members and manager. So, its very cool, not that usual thing of the band history that we've heard thousands of times before. Its very interesting.
This was probably a series of issues dedicated to several rock bands because the name of the mag is just Metal, they just added Masters, and this particular issue is number 3, don't confuse boys and girls, issue number 3 is from Metal Masters series only.
I was completely unaware of this mag, in Marco Gamba and Nicola Visintini book "Companion", from 2001, there is no indication about this issue.
For the ones who don't know there is also a special 16 pages supplement from this mag, Metal, released in mid 1980's, if I'm not mistaken. I'm still missing that one...oh...bloody me...